It’s that time of year, you know it’s cold out and nobody wants to go out in it. We sit around complaining about it being cold and summer needs to be here this afternoon. I am one of those people, I can only handle the cold and being cooped up for so long then I’m ready for warm weather. There is a season for everything, the Bible tells us that, but could you imagine if we didn’t have a cold snap? Would we slow down to reflect on the past year? I’m not sure I would, because I would be doing other things. The truth is I have a hard time slowing down but the last half of 2017 I was forced to slow down and examine my life. God was giving me the opportunity to tune back in to Him, and that is exactly what I started doing. As I reflected on this past year and what I did and didn’t do I had some questions. Did I focus on my word last year throughout the year or did I lose my focus? Did God open doors or did I force doors open? Did I do everything to the best of my ability and bring God glory and honor? The list could go on and on, but I’ll save you and me both time and stop there. So, did I focus on my word throughout the year, yes and no. My word or phrase for 2017 was intentionally bold, I started off being that way and even started writing a devotional that should be published later this year, but somewhere along the way I lost sight of being intentionally bold. What happened? I took my eyes off Jesus, He wasn’t my main focus, and it hurts me to admit that, but it’s true. I started focusing on other things like my job and friends instead of putting God first. God grabbed my attention on my mission trip to Costa Rica and I fought Him off and on throughout the remainder of the year until about Thanksgiving. I gave in, because I knew what I needed to do and was tired of the fight. God opened some doors in 2017 and shut some too. When I lost sight of God, my focus shifted and I became consumed with this world instead of focusing on His world. I’m glad God got my attention and reminded me where I need to focus and what I should be doing. A fire has been lit and I’m excited to see what God has in store for 2018. We have so much more potential than any of us realize, if we would just let go and trust God. This year, I am letting go and trusting God to do far more than I ever imagined he would, but I’m going to allow Him to guide me. His ways are are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts, and I have to remember just because something that He told me would happen isn’t happening when I think it should doesn’t mean that it won’t happen. Which fits perfectly with the timing of the devotional I’m writing. I have a deadline, but I know it may not be when it is released. God has also put something else on my heart, which coincides with my word for 2018. I can’t go in to much detail right now about what God has put on my heart, but I am excited and can’t wait to share it with you. However, I can tell you my word, and those of you who know me, please ask me about it. My word for 2018 is OTHERS. If you go to church with me you know our motto is, “Others, When it’s not about me OTHERS can know Him”. I didn’t want this to be my word because I didn’t want to look cheesy, but God kept telling me this was my word. It has grown on me, I have asked Him to show me how I can be more about OTHERS. He has given me some ideas, and I can’t wait to see what else he leads me to do this year. The thing that has me more excited than anything is the one thing I’m not at liberty to share with you right now, but there are several things in the works to indicate that being about OTHERS will be my focus this year and will keep me on track. When observing my life 2018 is going to look different from the outside looking in and the inside looking out. I hope you have taken some time to reflect on 2017 and you have asked God to reveal to you what you can focus on for 2018 or what changes need to be made. Here’s to a new year, a new you, and to new chances! As we go about this year may we remember, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,and your ways are not My ways.”This is the Lord’s declaration. Isaiah 55:8 9
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