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Writer's picture: Kim HardyKim Hardy

I’m sitting here debating if I should write a blog, because it’s been a while and it seems that I have written about this topic before, but God has put it on my heart and the sermon at church this morning was similar to what has been on my heart. That’s usually a sign for me to write, so here goes nothing.

The book of 1 Samuel chapter 8 talks about Samuel telling the Israelites that a king would not be good for them and how he talks to God about them wanting a king. Samuel told the people all the rights the king would have, and try as he might to deter them from wanting to appoint a king over them; he could not convince them. “The people refused to listen to Samuel. ‘No!’ they said. ‘We must have a king over us. Then we’ll be like all the other nations: our king will judge us, go out before us, and fight our battles.” (1 Samuel 8:19-20)

Did you catch the start of the last sentence? “Then we’ll be like all the other nations…” How many times have we compared ourselves to others? How many times have you looked at a friend, family member or stranger and thought I want to be like them? How many times have you looked in the mirror and thought, why can’t I look as good as ________? That phrase jumped off the page at me when I read it this past week during my morning Bible reading. I have read this book before, this story of Samuel and how Saul became the king of Israel, but this day those words struck a chord with me. How long will I spend asking myself the above questions? What can we do to make the change so that we won’t continuously ask ourselves these questions?

First, we need to realize that comparing ourselves to others is only damaging our self image, our confidence, and keeping us from realizing the blessings God has so graciously put in our lives. We need to live in the moment, thank God for the life He has blessed us with, and accept that we are created in the image of God, not man. By this I mean, God created each of us differently, uniquely, and for a purpose that only we, as an individual can fulfill. As my Pastor said this morning, “there is only one you, don’t cheat the world trying to be somebody else.” Fill your mind with who you are, and whose you are. Who are you? You are a child of God. You are the daughter/son of the King. You are wonderfully made. You are worthy. You are worth more than riches. There is absolutely nothing that can keep you from the love of God. He leaves the 99 for you and that should indicate just how much you mean to Him.

Comparing is not new and like the Israelites; if we’re not careful we will end up like others. We think we know what someone’s life is really like, but we don’t. We can only see what others allow us to see; which is typically their best.We have to stop believing everything others tell us and believe what God tells us. Just because something appears golden doesn’t mean it’s not iron painted gold. I heard a quote the other day on the radio: “The grass is not always greener on the other side if you water your own.” We know the saying the grass is always greener on the other side, and what it implies, but what if we took this spin on the old saying and applied it to our lives?

Ask God to search your heart and make it pure. Ask him to show you what he has done for you and thank him. Stop playing the comparing game and be you. God knew what he was doing when he created you, so trust him and do you! Always remember, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,and your ways are not My ways.”This is the Lord’s declaration. Isaiah 55:8

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