A word. Just one word can build someone up or tear them down. We have the option to speak life or death into others. When we become intentional with our words, we can make a difference whether good or bad. The choice is always ours. Do we want to be known as a life giver or life taker?

Why focus on one word for a year?
When we choose one word for the year it allows us to be more focused and intentional. By choosing one word we give ourselves the opportunity to be as focused as a laser beam or as wide as the Mississippi River with the intensity of our intentionality. We can take our word and apply it to every aspect of our lives, or we can pick one area of our life that we need to improve on.
Either way, the idea is that throughout the year we focus on one word to improve our life. We learn to apply the word in the area we are working on and by the end of the year we see that we are better in that area of our life.
My One Word Journey
Nine years ago, I ditched the new year’s resolution bit and started asking God to show me one word he wanted me to focus on for the year. I’ve always been a word person and enjoy studying words especially God’s word.
As I started this one-word journey I wasn’t as in tune with God or what the point of having one word for the year was, so about halfway through the year I would forget about it. Then, miraculously, at the end of the year I would remember my word and reflect on the year to see how it played out. As I look back over my list I can see how they played out for each year. Hindsight is 20/20.
2015: Trust
2016: Different
2017: Bold
2018: Others
2019: Still
2020: Focus
2021: Embrace
2022: Restore
2023: Obey
I smile looking back at this list because I can see God’s work in my life and how I grew in my walk with him.
In 2015, the school district in the same town that I live in had an English teacher and coaching opening. This was the exact position I went to college for. I applied but was hesitant as I loved where I was working.
As I waited, I began to pray, and wanted God to let me know if this was the right decision for me and my family. I arrived for the interview, I found out that the job might not be available, and the junior high was getting a new principal. A week later I was offered the job and I had to trust God that it was the right decision for me and my family.
In 2016, God was telling me it was okay to be different, but as a people pleaser who wanted acceptance and approval this concept was difficult. I went on my first mission trip. During the mission trip, while I was learning it was okay to be different God showed me that we’re not as different as we appear to be. We all have needs that should be met. We all have desires and struggle with sin. I went to Honduras being timid, but left being bold.

In 2017, God told me to be bold and I went on my second mission trip. Being bold for me was joining the choir, initiating conversations, and speaking up for myself. In 2018, God was opening my eyes to be more about others. My family focused on blessings others throughout the year not just around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
2019 had some major changes for me and my family. I went from being a junior high teacher/coach to a high school teacher/coach. The hours I had to put in as a high school coach was more than I had to put in as a junior high coach. My family had to adjust, and while I wanted to be still, I didn’t have the time to be still.
Our lives changed, but the still part didn’t come until my brother passed away. I was forced to step away from my job for a week. During the beginning phase of grief, I kept busy, but soon realized I needed to be still so I could start processing his death. My brother’s sudden death left me with an emptiness I never knew could exist.
I was eager for 2020 and God told me I needed to focus on Him. That was the year of COVID and the world as we knew it stopped. Not only did I have time to focus on Him I had time to focus on me. In 2021, God closed one door and opened another and I had to embrace change once again. I started working for a new, larger school district. I doubted my ability to meet the high standards set for their teachers/coaches. I had to embrace the help of others and rely on God.
2022 was a year of restoration. My confidence in my abilities as a good teacher was restored. That wasn’t the only thing God restored. The true restoration started when I said YES to be all in for what God was calling me to do. Although, He had to grab my attention with declining health the restoration process was in full swing. He worked in a mighty way through me and restored my soul and renewed my mind.
This past year, 2023, my word was obey.
God grew me, stretched me, and kept me in awe of Him throughout the year.
When we obey God, and we see his faithfulness we trust him more. Each step of obedience that I took my faith grew and as my faith grew my confidence grew. As my confidence grew, I became more bold in my faith. As I became bolder, I started to see the fruits of being focused on God. As I focused more on God and his purpose for my life, I started to see the impact of being different. When I took the time to be still before the Lord, I was more willing to embrace the day before me and not rush throughout my day to see what all I could accomplish in 24 hours. I learned to slow down and ask God what he wants me to get done for that day.
Which brings me to 2024! The word God has given me for 2024 is ABIDE. I’m a little nervous about what God will do this year, but I’m looking forward to learning how to abide in him.
Does it really make a difference?
When we take our word and look at it through the lens of the Bible it will change the way we approach our lives. We will focus not only on the word God has given us but on how we should apply it to our lives following the model of Jesus. Jesus is the ultimate example of how every Christian should live. When we apply his example of how we should live and focus on our one word throughout the year our lives should look different by the end of the year.
Over the past nine years God was sanctifying me. He will continue to do so as long as I live and walk with Him. Some years the work was harder than others.

The pruning God does when we say YES to him doesn’t always feel good, but the growth that takes place is worth it.
Want tips on how to pick a word?