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Writer's picture: Kim HardyKim Hardy


I sure get frustrated when I see that sign hanging on a vending machine when I need a snack or when I finally find a restroom only to see that I will have to keep searching for one that is in order. Has your life ever felt out of order? Mine has, especially here lately; it seems nothing is in order. My house, out of order…my job, out of order…the greatest country in this world, out of order. The scale just keeps expanding to the world. The earth needs a sign on it that says OUT OF ORDER.

    Let’s back up to a little over a year ago, I became one of the high school coaches and though I was hesitant I was excited. Just as the season was starting my brother passed away, and life was not the same. Fast forward to March, spring break came and our lives came to a halt. We weren’t allowed to go back to school and my mom moved in. Then we started a kitchen remodel, which is still not completed and so my house became out of order along with my job and life as we knew it. I could go on but as I have talked to friends, coworkers and a few strangers (as I’m not much of a conversation starter) everyone’s life seems to be in some way or another out of order. I have tried to stay positive, but it’s not been easy especially for someone with anxiety/depression.

    I guess the question is, what should we do when our life is out of order? I have the answer, although it has taken me months to realize this answer. I have been doing this, but sometimes you just have to be hit over the head to see it. First, we need to try to stop complaining and find joy in the little things, after all, the little things is what matters the most. Second, and I’d say the most important is we need to keep searching for the One who can put our lives back in order. Psalm 119:133-134 says, “Order my steps in thy word; and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. Deliver me from the oppression of man; so will I keep thy precepts.” What does that mean, you ask. If we search for God, and we can find him anywhere, but especially if we search for him in His word, the Bible, we will know what to do. He tells us how to live our lives. By reading his word, we will be able to understand Him better, walk with Him, and keep His commands. When we do this, the oppression of man can’t hold us down. God is for us and we just need to trust Him. 

    When you do this, your life may not go back to the exact same way you think or even want it to, but when you seek God and His word your life will start changing. You will notice things are being put in order. Sometimes it’s the big things in your life and we notice immediately, and sometimes it’s the little things, and it takes a bit longer to see. I challenge you to write your prayers out for a month, spend time with God daily for a month, and see how your thoughts change. This world may be OUT OF ORDER but it doesn’t mean your life has to be. Keep your eyes on Jesus. There you will find order, peace, love and acceptance. I’ll leave you with these two verses:

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16. 

“Set your minds on what is above, not on what is on the earth.” Colossians 3:2 

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