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Take Him out of the box

Writer's picture: Kimberlea HardyKimberlea Hardy

“Go to my servant David and say, “This is what the Lord says: Are you to build me a house to dwell in?” 2 Samuel 7:4

    As I was reading my Bible in a year from the Bible version app this morning this verse jumped off the page at me. I continued to read and I felt like God was asking me why I was keeping him in a box. As humans, we tend to put God in a box because we can only comprehend so much of His abilities and powers, so it makes sense for us to put our attributes, mostly our strengths, on God. If we can do this, then that means God can do it too. The obvious problem is God can do so much more! I laughed at myself as I thought about this verse and it dawned on me that even David, a man after God’s own heart, wanted to put God in a box. 

    Do you know what God tells David? He says, “I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have destroyed all your enemies before you.” I will make a great name for you like that of the greatest on the earth.” (vs 9) I don’t want to misconstrue what God is saying here or take it out of context but when I think on this it reminds me that God isn’t just in a building that we call a church. He is with me! He is with me at my house, at my job, on the road, in the store, and at church. He isn’t a member of the church who greets me at the door or the Pastor who preaches every Sunday that I won’t see again until next week. No, God enters the church with me and leaves the church with me. He doesn’t dwell in the church. At least not the church building.

    God is with me wherever I go, because I am the church. He lives in me! As a Christian, once I accepted Jesus as my savior I received the Holy Spirit thus allowing God to dwell in me. There is power in realizing this, and there is something to be said about a person who accepts and lives this out. The problem is we often forget the power we have access to because we see our faults and weaknesses and focus on those attributes instead of the power that we have. So, what can we do to change this?

    PRAY! Stop putting God in a box. Stop leaving God at church. Stop walking around in defeat. Stop focusing on your weaknesses. Stop putting yourself down. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop putting God in a box. PRAY for God to show you His power. PRAY for God to remind of you that He is with you. PRAY for God to help you realize when you have negative thoughts so you can stop them in their tracks. PRAY that God will remind you that He has already won and He is victorious, which in turn means you are victorious too. PRAY that God will show you when you are limiting Him in your life. Ask God for what you need. Speak Jesus’ name over every situation you’re in and watch Him work in your life.

    Our Western Christian culture has made it easy for us to put God in a box. We have dummied down our faith and put restrictions on people who want to be God’s hands and feet. We have allowed this country to be taken over because we have sat silently believing that this is how Jesus would respond. If we want to make a difference in this world and see a change it has to start with us, with me. I have to stop putting God in a box. I have to stop being afraid of what might happen if I allow God full access to my life. I have to accept that I am not in control and God really does know what is best. I have to remember that Jesus would not sit by and watch as others sinned and allowed corruption to reign. 

    God doesn’t belong in a box. God doesn’t want to be left in the church building. God wants to go with you wherever you go. God wants to use you. He created you for a time such as this. There is a reason you are alive today. There is a reason that you have certain talents and gifts. The question is are you ready and willing to put those talents and gifts to work for God. God LOVES you! Go ahead, take Him out of the box. Go for a walk or a drive and talk to Him. He’s ready, are you? 

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