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Thankful 2016

Writer's picture: Kimberlea HardyKimberlea Hardy

    I was blessed with the opportunity to spend some quality time my family but more importantly God this week. I would go outside in the mornings, turn on the fireplace and read my devotional, my Bible and pray. I so loved those quiet moments with my God, my Father. He was working on me this week, but that my friends is a post for another time. I wanted to take this moment to share with you what I am thankful for.  I’m thankful for the air I breath, the gift of life and to live it in the best country in this world. My God has been faithful to me and has never left me.        As I sit here writing I’m thinking of the valleys I have walked through, and I’m thankful I was never alone. I think of getting past the storm and finally seeing a rainbow. As I write this it hits me how important it is to not forget the valleys, we must remember them as well as the mountain tops, for then and only then can we truly see how loved and blessed we are. God will carry you, push you and calm the waves to get you through the dark times. I’m thankful for my family.         God blessed me with a wonderful Christian husband, who shows God’s love to me and our kids. I’m thankful to have a man who puts up with me on my worst days, holds my hand on the days I feel defeated, and celebrates with me on my best days. God has blessed me, us, with two amazing kids. They teach me something new daily, but my continued lesson from them is how important the little things are in this life. On the days that I’m not sure I’m doing a good job being a mom they seem to instinctively know I need a hug and an I love you, which makes my insecurities dissipate for a few minutes.     I’m thankful for my job. God blessed me with a job that I love. I am allowed and have the privilege of making an impact on my students, the future of this country. When I see the light bulb come on, or a student wants to teach others what they have learned I smile with pride. The hugs from ex students are always a welcomed reminder that I did something right. In my profession, you do not always know if you are truly making a difference so the little things like a “Hi, Mrs. Hardy”, in public is a nice reminder of the difference I’m making. God blessed me with a great group of coworkers. Many of whom I already called friend, but I have added several more to that list. They make going to work fun. I’m thankful for my church. God is doing something mighty at my church right now, and if you don’t have a church home and live in the Tyler area I would highly recommend coming to check us out on Sunday. God has filled the church with loving, caring, sinners who love to show God’s love to others. The leaders push me to dive deeper in my faith and walk with God. They give me opportunities to not only grow in God but to show God’s love in our community and throughout the world. God blessed me with an opportunity to go on a mission trip this past summer and my life was changed as I showed God’s love to others. Our Pastor speaks the truth every Sunday, even though at times I wish he would get off my toes, I’m so thankful that he is not afraid to say what needs to be said, and will allow God to use him. Our worship leader is there to glorify God’s name in song and allows the Spirit to move. God is using this guy in a mighty way to open hearts to allow the word to penetrate their hearts. Our Youth pastor is dedicated to the youth, he is everywhere supporting the youth of our church. The fire that has been lit in the youth is amazing to witness. Our Children’s director puts her heart and her all into the young children of the church. She fosters a love for God in these kids and makes it a place that they all want to come back to. Yes, my church is a great place to be. Join me Sunday if you want to see for yourself. I promise you will not be disappointed.    I’m thankful for my savior, Jesus Christ.      Without my savior I would be nothing. I have hope when all is wrong because of the death he died for me. Lord, thank you for your son and all my blessings that I overlook daily.

Be sure to stop and enjoy the little things in life, for those truly are the treasures that will shine for a life time. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you are a continued reader of my writings, thank you. May God bless you and yours this holiday season. What are you thankful for? Have you counted your blessings? Until next time, remember : “The works of His hands are truth and justice; all His instructions are trustworthy.” (Psalm 111:7)

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