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Writer's picture: Kimberlea HardyKimberlea Hardy

You are an Author!  You are Beautiful!  You are Called!  You are Chosen!  You are Enough!      You are Equipped!  You are Loved!  You are Unique!

I have those words on a sticky note or index card taped to my desk. Something so silly, but yet a daily reminder of who God says I am. I need those daily reminders as I’m sure most of you do, and if you’re like me you want others to say those affirmations to you, but it doesn’t happen. The older I get the more I realize how much I rely on others to lift me up when the only one I should rely on is God. God is the one who created me and knows my inner most thoughts and intricate designs, and only He can truly lift me up and it have a lasting effect. God is good like that. He speaks the truth and only the truth, so if God says it then it must be true. The only problem is I have to believe what He says about me, but the reality is once you’ve been knocked down it’s not always easy to believe the truth. 

    The TRUTH….

    Today, Good Friday, we look to the cross and remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and we, as Christians, say, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming,” and we become overjoyed with what Sunday means, but come Monday we’re back in our routine and the joy of Jesus’ victory over death has left our minds. We don’t “cling to the Old Rugged Cross” or “walk in the garden” or even “run out of the grave”; no we drag ourselves out of bed, grumble that it’s Monday, stumble through our morning routine, just to wish it was Friday all over again, so we can enjoy our weekend. Jesus didn’t come to this earth, live a sinless life, and die for us to stumble through the week praying for the weekend. He came so that we can LIVE! He came to conquer SIN! He came to defeat DEATH! He CAME and CONQUERED and DEFEATED the devil! He is VICTORIOUS! Jesus made a way for us to LIVE and not just to live but to LIVE VICTORIOUSLY! 

    Today, as you look to the cross and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ take some time to reflect on your life, be willing to look deep into your life, look at yourself, look at your routine, look at your thoughts, look at your actions and ask yourself, “am I living or am I LIVING?” Are you stumbling through the week? Are you living day to day? The more honest you can be with yourself, and share that honesty with God; after all he already knows, the more peace you will have, and the more equipped you will be to LIVE VICTORIOUSLY. Let today be the day that you allow His blood to wash over you, remember that your sins are forgiven, and you are made new in HIM. 

    Today, a new you starts NOW! Call out Jesus’ name. Tell the devil he can go back to where he came from and he no longer has a hold on you. Hell is a real place, and there is no where else the devil would rather you be than walking through hell on earth and keep you from LIVING the life God created for you. There is a battle over you and you have to decide today, and every day which side you are going to allow to win. You can listen to the lies of the devil or you can listen to the truth of God. You may not need the same words of affirmation as me, but I want to encourage you to find the TRUTH that God speaks about you, write it down, and put it somewhere that you will see it daily. Read it and believe it. It will most likely take time for the truth to sink in and for you to truly walk in it, but once you do, there will be a noticeable difference in how you handle life on a daily basis. 

    There is no better day than today to start living for God. There is no better day than today to start living victoriously. There is not a better day than today to call on the name of Jesus and send the devil packing. Let the truth of today sink in, let it knock you to your knees as you think of Jesus being beaten, his flesh torn, spit upon, ridiculed, nails holding him to the cross, soldiers casting lots for his clothes, and his innocence as he hung there waiting for the time to say, “IT IS FINISHED.” My heart is heavy as I write this, tears fill my eyes and slide down my cheeks as the reality of today sinks in. I am guilty of stumbling through my morning routine and praying for Friday so I can enjoy the weekend. I don’t want to live that way anymore. I want to wake up and LIVE VICTORIOUSLY every day and I can only do that when I live surrendered to the calling God has on my life. 


    Jesus came to this earth to die for our sins so we could live with him in Heaven for all eternity. You don’t have to live life feeling defeated; give your brokenness, hurt, and pain to God and watch him turn your ashes to beauty. 

God LOVES you!  God is FOR you! God says you are ENOUGH! God says you are CHOSEN! 

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