“Then Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows Me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Ouch! I grumbled as I walked into the doorframe half asleep. I didn’t want to turn the light on as to not disturb my husband as he lay in bed asleep, but my eyes didn’t adjust to the darkness quick enough and I stumbled into the doorframe as I left our bedroom for an early morning trip to the bathroom. I wasn’t seriously injured, but I could have been.
Have your eyes adjusted to the darkness of this world? Do you prefer to walk in the darkness so you can’t see what is around you? Many people will say that it’s good to accept the world’s view on every subject, but I disagree. We should stand firm on our Christian beliefs and morals. As Christians, we know that God banished Satan to earth and gave him free reign on this world until Jesus comes back again. As the time for Jesus to return draws near, Satan has and will continue to corrupt this world and that is why we can’t accept the world’s view. The corruption can be seen throughout the world and it is becoming more evident every day, even here in the “Bible belt”, where I live. We are slowly accepting evil and often times we do not realize that it is happening. This has not happened overnight; we can look at our acceptance of moral decline as something so small as the acceptance of foul language in TV shows and movies. When you walk in the grocery store or go out to eat with your family you will most likely hear the expletives flying all around you, and no one seems to even notice. We have become desensitized to foul language because of what we allow ourselves to listen to and watch daily. Sadly, our eyes have adjusted to the darkness of sin just enough that no one can tell that we are walking in the dark, which is exactly what Satan wants. He wants your eyes to adjust to the darkness just enough so that you can see but you don’t realize what is really going on. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light and tricks people into thinking that there is nothing wrong with the dullness of the light he is shining. His light illuminates just enough for you to keep walking safely or so it seems to be safe. He is causing many Christians to stumble because he’s shouting don’t turn the light on and we’re listening. What light?
In John chapter eight, Jesus called himself the light of the world. When you became a Christian you were filled with the Holy Spirit and thus have the light living in you. Satan doesn’t want you to turn your light on because you will make the world bright. The dull light that he is shining for you will dissipate and the true light will shine brightly and illuminate the things that are important for the Kingdom of God. The darkness will fade as you share the gospel and become the hands and feet of Christ. The darkness will fade as you love others as yourself. The darkness will fade as you speak Jesus’ name over your life, a tough situation you may be facing, a bad relationship, or many other hurts that life has to offer. Turn your light on, so you can truly see this world as God sees it, and as Jesus saw it while he was here on this earth. Pick up your Bible and read it, then apply it to your life, pray throughout your day, sing God’s praise, and thank him for your many blessings, so your light will not be dimmed. Turn your light on and keep it shining for others to see.
When you turn your light on Satan scampers away because he can not co-exist with Jesus. Jesus wins every time. Satan cries out OUCH when we turn the light on, just as I did when I walked into the doorframe. I made it back to my bed without running into the doorframe on my way back from the bathroom because I allowed my eyes to adjust to the darkness before attempting to walk back to my bedroom. I didn’t turn the light on so I wouldn’t wake my husband up, but as Christians, we should turn the light on, and wake up the people around us, so they can truly see and not stumble in the darkness.
“In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16