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Writer's picture: Kimberlea HardyKimberlea Hardy

 I want to talk about a sensitive subject, especially with ladies, and that subject is weight. I am not going to lie and say I have always had weight problems, I was small growing up. I wanted to be taller and weigh more so I could be a better athlete. I wanted to more strength, but that didn’t come until I was grown. Now, I do have a weight problem, you may look at me and say no you don’t, but I promise you, the doctors would agree with me. I am overweight, and ever since I had my two blessings from God my weight has been a constant struggle and always on mind.

    So, where does this struggle come from? Why can’t I just eat somewhat right and exercise and lose the weight? Genetics? Age? Want to? It is a little bit of everything I just said, but it has more to do with who do I see in the mirror. Am I happy with how I look and will I ever be happy with how I look? Sadly, we live in a world that portrays the perfect woman with no figure at all, and no flaws whatsoever. As we all know, this person does not really exist, yet we all strive to reach that perfection in some way. Thankfully, we are all built differently by God who lovingly created us in His image. So, what’s the key in losing weight and keeping it off and still feeling good about yourself?

    First, you need to set small attainable goals and do a little research. At the oh so tall height of 5’2 and with a small bone structure, what should my weight range be to be healthy? What percentage body fat is okay for me? These are the types of questions you should research. I would not recommend changing everything at once, because your body will revolt and make things harder on you. Start with something simple like taking a walk for 30 minutes three times a week, or drinking more water daily. Also, if you slip up and don’t reach that goal you have set for yourself don’t quit. Easier said than done I know, but you will not get anywhere if you give up on yourself. Losing weight, if done the right way, takes time. As a matter of fact, you should focus more on the inches lost and how your clothes fit than the number on the scale, because as you do more exercising your muscles will become bigger and muscle weighs more than fat.

    Second, you need to find someone who will hold you accountable. Whether that is a close friend, a coworker, or a personal trainer find someone that will encourage you to reach those goals, cheer you on, and give you a swift kick in the butt when you don’t want to exercise. This person will help you see the changes that are happening when you can’t seem to see anything positive about losing weight. Let me encourage you to not pick the “yes” friend, you know, the one who always says yes to everything you say. They will say yes when you don’t want to go for that walk even though it’s a beautiful day outside. They will say yes when you order that ice cream and Dr. Pepper and not make you think twice about it.

    Talking about food choice brings me to my next point. Don’t deprive yourself from what you are wanting to eat. For example, chocolate is my go to, I will go as long as I can without eating chocolate, but if I’m having a rough day at work and feel the need to eat some chocolate I’m going to. Why? For two reasons, one instant gratification and two if I ignore the craving it might go away, but I also have a tendency to overeat. So, instead of ignoring it, I will eat a small piece of chocolate to suffice the craving and go on. That way I do not go eat a whole bag of Hershey kisses or something crazy, and yes I have done that. Whatever your food choice is, it’s okay to give in every once in a while, just don’t over eat. Remember to keep your portions in control.

    The last thing that I would like to address, is how exercising will make you feel. You will feel better about yourself. Losing weight shouldn’t be just so you can look better, it should be so you can feel better. It has to be a lifestyle change, something that you are willing to do throughout your life so that you can be the best you that you can possibly be. You need to be happy with who you are not what you look like. I have found that I put too much emphasis on my appearance and beat myself up when I don’t look and weigh what I think I should, but what matters the most is what’s on the inside. How do I treat people? How do I respond when things go sour? Losing weight is great, but if you focus on it for hopes of making you happy, you are not doing it for the right reason. You will only be happy with the way you look for a little while, be sure you are happy with the way you treat people. When you look in the mirror, don’t judge yourself by what you see, but by who God sees. Don’t get so caught up in looking the right way that you forget to focus on WHO is leading the way.

    Will you feel better when you lose weight? Will you feel like you have accomplished something? YES! That is not to be taken lightly, but make sure you are not putting all your hope, all your expectations, all your drive into losing weight and looking fit. Don’t do it for vanity, do it for your health. Do it because you want to live life to its fullest. Set those goals and destroy them. There is nothing you can’t do with God on your side. Always remember, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,and your ways are not My ways.”This is the Lord’s declaration. Isaiah 55:8

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