Over and over again I hear the question what is wrong with this world. There are, of course, many theories or answers depending on how you want to view the problem. The one answer that I hear repeatedly is we need God. While I completely agree with this answer; I have a thought that I want to share and maybe it will provoke you to do something as well as me.
The world seems to be getting worse, falling a part, spiraling out of control right in front of our very eyes. The truth is, it is and that is what is supposed to happen. The Bible tells us the ends times will be one of wars, people having no morals, and putting themselves before others. Folks, we are there! The problem isn’t the people who don’t know God, the problem is the people who know God. Before you get offended let me explain….
As Christians we know that as the end times get closer the world will be a miserable place to live in, hence the Devil himself will have ramped up his evil ways. That is exactly what is going on right now, so to answer the question, ‘What is wrong with this world’, it’s the Devil. He is running out of time on this Earth and will soon be put where he belongs,but before his butt whoopin’ he is going to wreck havoc on this Earth, cause as much turmoil as he can, destroy as many people, businesses and especially churches as he can, before the return of Christ. As the return of Christ draws close it will seem as if nothing is getting better. We will all feel as if there is no hope, but we have to remember we have HOPE in our SAVIOR. He has not forgotten us, and he will return to bring his children home.
How is the Devil ramping up his evil ways the Christian’s fault? It’s not, but when we sit back and do nothing it is our fault. What can we do, you ask? Share the good news, share the hope that you have. What does that look like? Invite people, not just your friends to church. Talk about your church and what they do. Pray for others, people you know and people you don’t. Go on mission trips. Support missionaries; these people have given up the comforts of “home” to share God’s love to the lost around the world, and the least we could do is sacrifice a little something to help them. Don’t have money? PRAY Prayer is the most powerful help we could give because God is on the other end.
We can no longer sit back and act as if nothing is happening. If I wasn’t a Christian, I would look at my Christian friends and wonder if what they believed is real. The majority of us sit back and act as if God/Devil, Heaven/Hell is just a story; as if it’s not real. How dare I say that! Well, it’s true and I’m speaking of myself too, but how sad is it that something we believe so full heartedly in we don’t share with those we know don’t share our beliefs. Yet, we sit by and watch people we know, that we work with, that we do life with go about their day and never mention the ONE thing that will effect our eternity. Why? Why would we do this? It’s not because we our self-centered or is it? We are more concerned about how those people will think of us if we say something that might offend them, but what if they are just waiting for someone to talk to them? What if they just needed someone to say, can I pray for you? Will you join me at church?
We are ALL called to be disciples of Christ. Yet, many of us go to church and go home. That is the extent of our discipleship. As the world spins out of control, because the Devil will continue to ramp up the evil, we can no longer sit back and do nothing. We must get over our pride, and remember we have the same power in us that raised Jesus from the grave. No, you may not be able to travel the globe to share God’s love, but you can share God’s love with your world. “Then He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15