Dear Younger Me…..
In Jennie Allen’s book, Nothing To Prove, she asks, “What is one thing you would tell your younger self?” As I sit here, looking out at the sea, enjoying the eclectic sounds of the cruise, I’m pondering what is the ONE thing I would tell my younger self. What is the one thing that would help me back then and still produce fruit today and well into the future? What is something that would impact my family, friends and those that I come into contact with daily?
The ONE thing I would tell my younger, independent, ain’t nobody gonna hurt me self is to find a Bible and start reading and applying it to your life daily. There I would find the comfort I was needing for my hurt. There I would find the encouragement I needed when there seemed to be no one to brighten my day. There I would find the love of a Father, something I desperately needed when I was younger. There I would find acceptance, not from my family, friends or strangers but from the ONE who died for me. There I would find that no one is perfect, not even the famous men and women of the Bible;except Jesus of course, and I could stop trying so hard to be perfect. There I would find my identity, the daughter of The King.
Ah yes, the trouble and heartache would still be there but if I knew then what I know now about my Jesus my outlook on life would have been much brighter, more cheerful one of hope instead of one of hurt, bitterness, anger and gloom. I pray that if I don’t teach my kids anything else they learn to read the Bible and apply it to their lives. They will see, at a younger age, as I do now that all your life’s occasions will be affected by this one thing and there you will have promises that will never be broken.
Mercy Me’s song, Dear Younger Me, spoke so deeply to my heart when it first came out and when I hear it today it has the same impact. It’s a great reminder of my true identity. Click on the link and listen.
So, what would you tell your younger self? Cut yourself some slack, let go of the past and move forward. Dig deeper into the Bible and live it out daily…Until next time remember, “For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.” (2 Timothy 1:7)